“I would like to build a room, so that, the more you put into it,
the emptier it becomes.”
Dick Higgins
“Build a room, so that the more you put into it, the emptier it becomes.”
Unendlichkeit,Wanda Gavrilescu(2)
Photos: Phillip Dreyer
Unendlichkeit,Wanda Gavrilescu
Sandkorn, Marcel Horn
Sandkorn, Marcel Horn (2)
Raum aus Stecksystemen, Melanie Schlüter
Raum aus Stecksystemen, Melanie Schlüter (2)
Kasten auf dem Wasser, Chen Liu(2)
Kasten auf dem Wasser, Chen Liu
Ego cogito, ero sum, Sarah S. Kraußlach
Ego cogito, ero sum, Sarah S. Kraußlach (2)
Archi Bla, Leon Brohmann
Photos: Phillip Dreyer
—- Abgabe: Montag 27.04. 11:00-12:00 im IAK – Bevenroder Str. 80 —-